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26 May, 2023

Leveraging data to drive RevOps success: Overcoming silos and overload


Revenue Operations

Written by McAlign


In today's digital world, more and more companies are leveraging data to drive their RevOps success. However, many organizations still face challenges in making the most of this data due to silos and overload. This whitepaper discusses how you can overcome these challenges through a combination of standardized processes, data governance, and a unified view on performance analytics.

Breaking the silos and the data bottlenecks

  • Silos and bottlenecks are a problem for RevOps teams. They don't have to be, but they often are. The root causes of these issues can be traced back to three things: technology, organizational structure, and people.
  • To break through this problem and achieve faster cycle times and better business outcomes, you'll need to understand how training data silos form within your organization as well as how to address them at each stage in the process (from initial asset creation through deployment). To do that effectively, you'll need access to all of your data at one point in time—and this means breaking down those barriers between your different teams' systems of record.

The "data bottleneck" problem

The "data bottleneck" problem is one that plagues many companies. You may be familiar with it:

  • Data silos are a source of the problem, as data is not easily shared or available across teams and functions. This can lead to bottlenecks in your company's RevOps process when information needs to be accessed by different teams.
  • Another source is overload—too much data being generated from multiple sources within an organization, which makes it difficult for employees to keep up with new insights and updates as they come in. The result? Delays in RevOps caused by delays in determining what actionable insights are needed for making decisions about products or services.

The "siloed data" problem

  • Let's say you're managing a department in your organization that handles order fulfillment. Your team has been trying to increase orders placed on its website by 15% over the course of the year, but it's not working. You have a lot of great data available—the number of visits to your site, which pages they visit, what they click on—but when you look at all this information together, it still doesn't tell you why people aren't buying more often or what would motivate them.
  • The problem might be that you're operating in different silos. And if those silos exist within your company's larger IT infrastructure and other business units' responsibilities, then it could mean that each group is collecting data independently without knowing how their efforts fit into the overall picture. In this case, "siloed data" refers specifically to having separate systems for collecting different types of information from users as well as storing that information differently so it can't easily be compared across platforms (and even departments).
  • In addition to causing operational issues like bottlenecks or lost productivity due how long it takes employees to find answers about their jobs across multiple systems; financial issues like wasted money spent on duplicate processes; compliance issues if one team isn't aware of another's actions affecting corporate policy compliance standards; security problems from insufficient access controls between departments; and so forth...

The RevOps approach provides a solution to silos and data bottlenecks, but only if it is enabled with the right technology.

  • Data integration is the key to a successful RevOps approach. It's not enough to have a robust data warehouse, or even an optimized data lake. You need technology that can bridge the gap between all of your disparate systems and silos, bringing together all of your disparate forms of data so that it's available in one place for everyone who needs it--no matter where they are within the organization.
  • If you're looking for the right solution to help you overcome silos and bottlenecks in your organization's RevOps approach, look no further than Data Integration Platforms (DIP). DIP will enable you to leverage all of your current investments by connecting disparate systems and eliminating silos between teams.

Getting operational excellence and revenue operations to work together

  • If you follow the news, you may have heard that operational excellence and revenue operations are two distinct functions. However, this is an oversimplification of what RevOps is ultimately about: improving revenue. Though it's true that having a strong focus on cost control is important since it helps reduce expenses and ensure profit margins, RevOps also focuses on collaboration between other departments such as sales and marketing to drive revenue.
  • In fact, according to Forrester Research's 2018 North America CPO Survey Report: "Most companies consider their CPOs [chief revenue officers] to be functional leaders who manage revenue-generating operations." In this light, it becomes clear that rather than focusing solely on cost control or revenue generation alone (or worse still—both), RevOps should instead balance both elements for optimal results without getting bogged down by silos within your organization.

The key to operational excellence and revenue operations working together is data integration.

  • As your business grows, you will no longer be able to rely on a single point of integrative or operational excellence. There is an increasing need to build resilient systems that can operate at scale as well as support multiple business functions. However, integrating these systems is not just about technology – it's about data, and it's about people.
  • The key to operational excellence and revenue operations working together is data integration. For example, if you provide product management with an opportunity in their CRM system but don't have any inventory available for the sale order they want to place, they won't be happy with the experience they get from your company or its products!
  • Data integration isn’t just about pushing information between systems; it’s also about understanding how this information has been captured in each system so that it can be used correctly throughout the organization (whether by humans or machines).

Data integration is about more than just technology.

  • Data integration is about more than just technology. It’s a process that requires people, processes, and technology to work together in order to deliver valuable insights into your business.
  • In fact, it’s this combination of people, processes and technology that can help you overcome problems caused by data overload or silos. By integrating multiple sources of information into one single source of truth (that includes all relevant data), you can reduce the number of operational errors caused by inconsistent data across systems—a win for both end users who are working with this data and IT teams who spend their days supporting such systems.

Data overload is an existential threat to your business.

  • Data overload is a problem for all businesses. It's the result of a lack of data integration, which can cause business decisions to be based on incomplete or inaccurate information. In addition to making it harder for you to make informed decisions, data overload can slow down your business by forcing you to spend time unearthing information that could have been easily accessed and leveraged in the first place.
  • For example, John wants to know what his company's sales were last quarter so he can prepare his financial reports for the board meeting later this week; however, Alice has been tasked with generating customer segmentation reports for this same meeting and doesn't have time right now because she's trying her best just keep up with all of the requests coming at her from other departments within their organization—and also handle some new projects she took on recently but didn't have time before now because everyone else was too busy!
  • By making sure your teams are working from one system rather than many disparate ones (which increases overhead costs), you're able to avoid duplicate workflows between departments while also creating opportunities across teams thanks to shared access privileges within one platform instead of several siloed ones, where they would otherwise be limited by specific permissions granted by department leaders only."

How you can use data integration to drive RevOps success.

  • Data integration is about more than just technology. It's about strategy and process. It's about people, culture and governance. And yes, it's about compliance and risk management.
  • Data integration involves the ability to seamlessly access and deliver information from one or multiple sources in real time across various systems—which is critical for success with RevOps projects because it allows you to:
    •  Quickly identify gaps in your data so you can develop appropriate solutions;
    •  Start working on a problem before you've even analyzed all the related problems;
    •  Get actionable insights without having to wait until all the relevant data has been collected;
    •  Make informed decisions faster so that you can act on them sooner than your competitors do

You need data integration to succeed at revops because it can help you avoid the problems caused by data overload and silos.

  • Data integration is a key part of revops because it can help you avoid the problems caused by data overload and silos.
  • Data integration can help you make better decisions, get more value from your data, and avoid bottlenecks that keep you from making progress.


In conclusion, when you look at the entire process of revops and how it can be improved by data integration, it becomes clear that this is a problem that needs to be addressed. Data overload and silos are not just an issue in RevOps but also in other departments as well. This is why companies need to address these issues now before they become too big for them to handle


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